Celebration and Cheer

Our dear friend Erin (Esoterica), is taking a leave of absence from posting to this blog. As we wish her wells on her travels and other endeavors, we wanted to take a moment to celebrate her contributions.

Over a year-and-a-half, Erin has contributed incredible content and great writing in this space. Here are the top three things we’ve learned from her:

Incremental steps add up. As Erin has shared her recovery journey from devastating and chronic illness, she’s demonstrated a remarkable ability to keep trying new things, chart the effectiveness, and build hope one step at a time.

Gratitude: Erin has written some beautiful pieces magnifying the appreciation she has for nature, for family, and for relationships. Every time we read (or re-read) one of these posts, it’s impossible not to feel a little bit lighter, more open, and motivated to be just that much kinder.

Inspiration moments matter: Erin’s knack for highlighting inspirational quotes put a fine point on the power of friendship to brighten our days as we keep climbing, moving forward.

Vicki and I are so incredibly grateful for her amazing contributions to this space, WordPress and the world. Erin assures us that we’ll still see her, so as we celebrate all she’s done, we are also cheering on all that is to come!

Three cheers to the wonderful, amazing, and brilliant Erin! XOXO,

Vicki and Wynne

41 thoughts on “Celebration and Cheer

  1. Thank you, Wynne and Vicki, for your such kind words, and for allowing me to be a part of this community! I’m sadden to have to take a leave, but already looking forward to the day my personal matters clear up and I’m able to return. In the meantime, I look forward to reading, listening, and continuing to be inspired by this amazing community! ❤️❤️❤️

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    1. You know how much we adore you. On IG today, highlighting this post and your fabulous writing it was easy to pick a song to accompany our accolades for you, Erin. Sister Sledge, “We Are Family”. xoxo! 🥰💕🥰

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