How Safe Do You Feel At Home?

I’m taking the opportunity this month to shamelessly share with you some of my new art. This body of work that I’ve just begun feels a lot more topical than much of my work, which tends to be very personal and can perhaps exclude my audience at times. I don’t ever mean it to exclude anyone, I just make what wants to be made, and often times, the work that wants to be made is just for me. This new work is quite personal as well, however, I believe it’s touching on themes that may also reach a broader audience, like you! … More How Safe Do You Feel At Home?

Taking Risks in the Studio

In my newest Art Talk with Libby Saylor podcast episode, I talk all about taking risks in the studio. In this episode, I go deep and try to uncover what really holds us back from taking chances in our studio. Ultimately, I think it comes down to getting comfortable with our imperfections, as well as getting comfortable with taking risks outside of the studio. I also share with you a super vulnerable whoops moment that I experienced from taking a chance, and how it’s all part of the beautiful process of learning how to be braver, so we can show up as the courageous artists this world so desperately needs. … More Taking Risks in the Studio

Humility Is This Thing I’m Still Working On

We’ve all heard certain sayings like, “When the student is ready, the teacher appears,” or “When you take one step towards to gods, they will take ten steps towards you.” I really love both of these sayings and really experience them in my life on a regular basis. And wow, has this been happening for me lately. … More Humility Is This Thing I’m Still Working On

4 Changes That Don’t Freak Me Out

To start the year off light, I wanted to do a list post. I think this beginning-of-the-year period always makes me a bit leery. Leery because my default is not, “I can’t wait to see what this year brings!!” Nope, I’m more like, “Oh God, what is this year going to bring?!” So, writing a cute little list post gives me a satisfying feeling of cozy comfort as I face all the uncertainty of 2024. … More 4 Changes That Don’t Freak Me Out

When In Doubt, Do What You Know

I’ve been sharing a lot lately about hitting a wall creatively, because I’m in one of those uncomfortable places that all creative people reach at some point. I’ve actually reached this point many, many times in my creative career. This experience feels similar to wandering through desolate prairie lands (not that I’ve ever wandered through desolate prairie lands, but I can imagine) and finally reaching a lonely outpost, only to find that this outpost offers no real direction. At some point, one just has to decide whether to go back from whence they came, or pick a direction and move forward without any clear answers. As I’ve been dancing in front of this creative wall for several months now, I’ve been coming up with all kinds of ways to do things differently this time, because my default has always been to pack up shop, jump ship, and quit my practice, only to return again after several months of tortured guilt, uncertainty, and restlessness. But no, not this time. This time, I’m going to pick a direction and see what happens. I believe only good can come from this. But wow, it’s tough, and these bleak Lonesome Dove vibes are no joke! … More When In Doubt, Do What You Know

Everything Is Beautiful

I know I have the upper hand here when I say “everything is beautiful.” I’m an artist, and as a visual creator, we can’t help but take in, absorb, and process the world through our eyes first. Everything goes through our eyes, even before it hits our brains and our hearts, our senses and our guts. I suppose that’s true for everyone, so maybe I should say things differently. Artists notice more with our eyes, take in more with our eyes, and honor what we see a lot more than most. And I do believe that artists are the only people who have an excuse to be called superficial. Because we honestly can’t help it. However, I do think viewing the world through dialed-up eyesight can be learned and cultivated, if you’re interested in giving it a try. … More Everything Is Beautiful

Keep Making Art And See What Happens

I have been making art for my entire life, but I have gone in and out of how seriously I take the whole thing. At some points I felt like, “eh, this is just this thing that I do that I’m good at, but it won’t lead to anything.” At other points, I have felt like I was put on this planet to make art! For the most part, I have not thought about it in an adequately in-depth way, and I have just historically made art when I felt like it. However, I have recently begun to take my role as an artist in this world much more seriously. Experiencing repeated dating disappointments is what actually led me to start focusing more on my art. So, thank you hot jerks who made me feel not very good about myself! And I’ve been keeping up with a steady art practice for several months now. It’s been grand, and I’d like to share with you a few things I’ve been discovering. … More Keep Making Art And See What Happens

After Time, Only Love Remains

I was driving in my car today and caught myself thinking fondly of my ex. We’ve been broken up for one year and seven months now. And in that moment, I realized that I have only ever truly loved two men. Both of these men were long-term partners and in both relationships we lived together for a time. When you live with someone and share your life with a person for several years, you see everything about each other, no matter how well you try to hide things. And as I was thinking about my ex today, I was just remembering all of the good, all of the things I truly loved about him. In that moment, I also realized that all of the negative thoughts I’ve carried since the breakup, all of the things that were said and not said during our parting, just faded into the distance. And now, only love remains. … More After Time, Only Love Remains

How Do We Fill Up Our Cups When We’re Empty?

I hate to deliver such tough love wisdom, but I do believe that often times, pain is our best teacher. Because most of us as human beings don’t like to experience pain. We want to expedite the process of moving through and/or eliminating our pain as fast as we possibly can. Because it feels uncomfortable and miserable when we’re in it, right? And because of this, I think us wise ones choose to make the best of our pain, move through it in some kind of efficient way, and see what we can learn from it. The rest of us (of course I do this too) often just try to ignore it in the hopes that it goes away. However, that often leads to tumors and other ailments in our body, so I don’t recommend this method. … More How Do We Fill Up Our Cups When We’re Empty?