Episode 59: Creative Balance with Todd Fulginiti

In this episode, Vicki Atkinson and I are talking with writer and musician, Todd Fulginiti. Our discussion centers around finding creative balance, especially in Todd’s post-Covid life as a musician gig worker.

He talks about grabbing opportunities when they pop up. Because you never know how long the invitations will keep coming. And then the overload that happens when you say “yes” to everything.

We talk through working with the tension between doing too much and taking care of oneself. Todd tells us his conclusion of finding his balance.

We also find out Todd’s “why” for playing music and his creative life. We’ve posted a sneak peek below because it’s so good.

This is a great episode that delves into balance (or lack thereof) in our creative lives. We know you’ll love it!

Search (and subscribe!) for Sharing the Heart of the Matter on Apple, Amazon, Spotify or Pocket Casts OR Listen on Anchor Episode 59: Creative Balance with Todd Fulginiti

Episode 59 transcript

Links for this Episode:

Listen on Anchor Episode 59: Creative Balance with Todd Fulginiti

Todd’s Wise & Shine post about creative balance: Is My Problem Age or Stress?

Todd site where you can listen to his latest album and find out more: Todd Fulginiti Music

HoTM podcast about his album release: Episode 38: Jazz on King with Todd Fulginiti

Todd’s Wise and Shine post about the release of his latest album, Jazz on King: My New Album Releases Today!

Todd’s Wise & Shine post about finding his playing style: Why Did I Say That?

From the hosts:

Vicki’s personal blog: Victoria Ponders

Wynne’s personal blog: Surprised by Joy

Vicki’s recently released book: Surviving Sue

Wynne’s book about her beloved father: Finding My Father’s Faith

20 thoughts on “Episode 59: Creative Balance with Todd Fulginiti

  1. The topic of balance, one we have all thought about, makes me think of a topic less discussed. I imagine there is an argument to be made for imbalance as a chosen way of living. On the other hand, we might already have more than enough of that.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Todd said that he sometimes pushes himself, overbooks gigs, and then loses sight of the reason why he does it-to help others destress. Downtime and loneliness jar him back to his passion-a true musician! 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

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