Episode 61: The Writers Conference with Cheryl Oreglia

In this episode, Vicki Atkinson and I are talking with author and blogger, Cheryl Oreglia.

Cheryl has recently returned from attending the San Francisco writers conference. She shares her elevator pitch for her next book project. Here’s a sneak peek:

She inspires us to keep writing by talking about the symbiotic relationship between the gatekeepers and writers.

In her inimitable style, Cheryl keeps us laughing alongside her as she reveals the mishaps, lessons, and successes of a writers conference.

She also beautifully describes our personal stories and the way, perhaps obligation, to keep writing them.

This is a great episode that will leave you inspired by Cheryl’s courage, ability to show up, and knack for telling a story. We know you’ll love it!

Search (and subscribe!) for Sharing the Heart of the Matter on Apple, Amazon, Spotify or Pocket Casts OR Listen to on Anchor Episode 61: The Writers Conference with Cheryl Oreglia

Episode 61 transcript

Links for this Episode:

Episode 61: The Writers Conference with Cheryl Oreglia on Anchor

Grow Damn It!: The Feeding and Nurturing of Life by Cheryl Oreglia on Amazon

We Are The Authors of Our Lives post

Cheryl’s blog: Living in the Gap

Facebook: www.facebook.com/cheryl.oreglia 

Twitter: www.twitter.com/@cheryloreglia 

Pinterest: www.pinterest.com/cheryloreglia 

Instagram: www.instagram.com/cheryloreglia

Previous episodes with Cheryl

Episode 30: True Grit with Cheryl Oreglia

Episode 7: Grow Damn It! with Cheryl Oreglia

From the Hosts:

Vicki’s book, a special story about resilience and love: Surviving Sue

Wynne’s book about her beloved father: Finding My Father’s Faith

14 thoughts on “Episode 61: The Writers Conference with Cheryl Oreglia

  1. Cheryl’s description of the boomer stages was hilarious: sixties-GOGO, seventies, LOGO, and eighties, NOGO. Her remarks about business cards representing your “brand” so should be eye-catching for networking was a great tip. Thank you! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I can’t wait to listen Wynne. You touched on something that I think a lot of folks miss: the power of showing up. I’ve been thinking a lot about this lately and it’s such a powerful thing. I know for me I put a ton of pressure on myself to be perfect, when in reality, as you say, the best thing often is showing up and offering whatever we can at that moment. There’s power in being who we are. Great lesson by Cheryl and you. Thanks for sharing.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. That was as fun to listen to as I knew it would be. I’ve heard Cheryl describe herself as an introvert before, but I’m convinced after listening that she is either an incredible actress who deserves an Academy Award or she’s not nearly as shy as she’d like us to believe.

    Lots of personality with her usual wisdom, honesty, and humor. Great elevator pitch too! Her new idea, especially coming from the perspective of a newly retired couple, sounds fabulous. Now, don’t let Larry off the hook easily. Tell him you pedal hard downhill.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. I listened to this episode in the car as I was driving to my Alpha weekend retreat. I loved what Cheryl said about committing to doing something to help her grow as a writer at least once a year. We could all learn from that in many areas of our lives.


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